weekly j

Yay yay last class! Once I finish up all the stuff for the final I'll officially be done. I really liked learning coding, it just felt a bit overwhelming at times. I ended up making a cloud painting in p5 and added some vibey minecraft music to it. I'm satisfied with how it turned out, I just wish I could center it. I've tried everything and nothing seems to work, I was going to ask James after class but they were helping someone else for awhile, then just ran out of class. So I guess I'll never know.

Anywho, I only have one in person exam and it's not until Friday, so I have plenty of time to study for that and pack. All of my crits are over and I had my final band concert last night, so all I need to do now is finish my notes for my communications and astronomy classes and take the exams. Plus pack. My dad came for the concert last night and took some of my stuff back, my room looks so empty without my keyboard in it. My roommate walked in and started freaking out because it was missing LOL. But yeah, I feel like a weight has been lifted.

Side note, I'm wearing a VERY itchy sweater today and I swear to god I'm gonna claw my neck off