weekly f

Hello hello! We finished our website project (yay!) and now we're on to drawing with p5, which is something I already did my freshman year 😎. So I feel slightly less confused than I did earlier this semester. For my drawing I want to make a pixel art scene that possible has an animation aspect. My thought process is I can program the pixel shapes to change color in order to imply a slight movement or lighting change (I might do something that involves the sun setting). I'm actually really excited to work on this!

Next week is spring break FINALLY. This year has honestly gone by really fast, last night I was thinking about how we're almost done with the school year (yay), which means I'll have to pack up all my stuff and move out soon (boo). This summer I'm going to be working at Camp Ernst instead of Camp Kern. Kinda sad about leaving Kern behind but most of the people that made working at camp so special to me are moving on, so I think it's good that I am too. I'm really going to miss the Kern kids though, I hope I can work one more mini camp just so I can see them one last time.

So yeah, fun times up ahead. Other than seeing my sibling's concert and a breakout room with some old camp friends, I have 0 obligations over spring break, which is such a riveting feeling. Although I do have a few projects I'm gonna work on, like the p5 drawing exercise and my photography project. Also finishing up some notes. The grind truly never stops.