weekly c

Hello I am doing this weekly from my laptop, except I don't have the Git extension installed so I'm lowkey not sure if it's going to work LOL, I guess we'll find out! Wooooo! I think I might've been reading something wrong but the site that the git installer took me to said I needed to type something into terminal?? I have to HACK the git extension to my computer??????? lol probably not but I don't actually know how I'm supposed to go about that so I will simply figure it out another day.

Anyways, I'm thinking about what I want to do for my Project One. I think I definitely want to make something less on the serious side, but I don't really have a conrete theme or idea yet. Honestly everytime I think about it, I think of all the OTHER work I have to do too, and then I get overwhelmed and don't do anything. I should really start scheduling myself for less classes each semester so I can actually enjoy my college time, rather than be caught in a 4-year long mental breakdown. Maybe I should look into study abroad, that would be a nice break. But anywho. I have a few vague concepts for my site, I think I'll just see how they end up piecing themselves together.