weekly b

Hello hello! It has certainly been an interesting week, so much has been going on and I can barely process it. I'm so stressed with classes, and I have no idea what I'm gonna do for the exercises due on Wednesday (I still don't even know what a repository is). Everything is just so overwhelming and I feel like there's not enough time in the world for me to finish everything I need to get done. Hopefully I'll get more into the routine soon.

Anyways, we've done a lot of formatting stuff recently. I really liked going through the examples for Exercise 1, especially The Uncle Who Works for Nintendo, I went through it until I got all the endings. I think I might do something like that, I love the horror themes and I think the HTML format was a really interesting medium to use. I have no clue how I would do it, or what story I would base it on, but hopefully I'll think of something. I also LOVE the Lifeline games, which are text-based adventure as well. Maybe I'll pull inspiration from that.