weekly a

These past two weeks have definetely been a bit overwhelming, but I feel like I've already learned a lot! Although I learned Processing last year, it's been awhile since I've done anything with it. If I'm being honest, I had no idea what this course was about when I first enrolled; all I knew was that it had something to do with the internet and was required for my major. I had no idea it was about coding, but I'm really glad I'm taking it! I feel like I understand CSS a little bit better than HTML, and I still have no idea what a repository is and how GitHub connects to the code we're writing in Visual Studio. I'm sure I'll get it with time though.

The website that James showed us has a lot of useful information about the things you can program into your website. I made a button that's animated to shifts colors that I'm really proud of! I also learned about formatting text, and adding photos. Personally, I really want to learn how to add sound effects, and hoow to make it more interactive. The Processing project we did in ART 3000 was featured around the idea that everytime you click your mouse, a new image is generated. I think it would be cool to program a button that plays a sound when you click it, or if you tyoe in a secret message an image pops up. I just think it would be cool ahaha. Overall, I'm super excited to see what the future holds!